Monday, January 30, 2012

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows [10 points]?

I was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows today and came to a part that I did not understand. If someone could PLEASE explain it to me鈥?that鈥檇 be great :D

'But this is touching, Severus,' said Dumbledore seriously. 'Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?'

'For HIM?' shouted Snape. 'Expecto patronum!'

From the tip f his wand burst the silver doe: she landed on the office floor, bounded once across the office and soared out the window. Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears. 'After all this time?'

'Always,' said Snape.

So I have a few questions.

1. Why did Snape cast the expecto patronum spell?

2. Why was his patronum the same as Lily's - a doe?

3. Whose eyes were full of tears?

4. What did Dumbledore mean when he asked 'After all this time?' and what did Snape mean with his answer 'Always'?

I鈥檒l give 10 points to the best answer :] Thanks in advance.|||1 - Snape got angry that Dumbledore assumed he had started caring for Harry ( as he hates Harry, just the way he hated his father, James ) and he tries to show that it was not for Harry nor for the fact that he was James' son. He casts it so that he makes Dumbledore see that it's all for LILY POTTER's son. Everything matters because he is Lily's son, Lily's own flesh and blood.

2 - Snape has loved Lily "for nearly all of his life" - (as quoted by Harry when he was dueling Voldemort and explaining Snape's forever love and loyalty) When a person loves someone more than anything, it CAN take the form of the same patronus, but not necessarily. Harry's is a stag - like James' , Tonks' turned to a weak werewolf.

3 - Dumbledore's eyes were full of tears upon learning that Snape had forever loves Lily and that for her sake, so that she did not die in vain, Snape is still trying to protect Harry.

4 - Dumbledore confirmed that "After all this time you love her?" and so Snape replies "Always have and forever will"|||1: to show dumbledore what his patronus looked like

2: the Patronus of a person is linked very deeply to their feelings and emotions, that why it can change over time. Snape loved lily soo much, that his patronus' was like hers was

3: Snapes eyes were full of tears, he was remembering lily(again this shows how much he loved her)

4:Dumbledore meant 'you still love her after all this time!'

and snape meant that he will love her always

He was basically telling Dumbledore that he's doing it for lily, not for Harry, because he still loves lily.|||1. Snape cast the spell to show Dumbledore what form his Patronus took

2. It was the same as Lily's because he has always been in love with her, that is why he helps Harry

3. It doesn't really matter, but I think it was Snape

4. Dumbledore means 'After all this time you're still in love with Lily?' and Snape means 'I have always been, and always will be in love with her'

:D Hope this helps make sense of it|||he cast the spell to show that his Patronus was a doe, the same as Lily's. It is the same because Snape deeply loved Lilly, which is also why he was crying. Dumbledore meant "Do you still love her after all this time?", and Snape meant "Yes, i've always loved her."|||1. To prove that he loved Lilly, her patronus was a doe, and it has already be established that patronuses can represent those you love,

2. Snape loves Lilly still,

3. Dumbledore, if it was Snape it would have said "who's eyes were full of tears". They were of pity as he finally understood the pain that Snape felt,

4. Dumbledore had just realized that Snape still loved Lilly above all else, and that this was why he was still protecting Harry. "All this time?" was asking if he had always loved her, and "Always." was confirming that he had, and saying that he would love her forever.|||1. He cast the patronus to show Dumbledore the shape it took--a doe. This showed that Snape didn't really care for Harry, just for Lily because her patronus was also a doe.

2. Snape's patronus was the same as Lily's because he loved her and he always has. His happiest thoughts involve Lily so his patronus takes the shape hers did.

3. Dumbledore's eyes are full of tears because he's so touched that Snape still feels that strongly about Lily, even after all the years she has been gone. He finally starts to understand Snape and all the confusion he's gone through with Harry because he hated James but loved Lily.

4. Dumbledore is basically asking, "You still love Lily after all this time and all that has happened?" Snape's answer, 'Always,' says that Snape's love is so great that he will always loves Lily, no matter how much trouble and pain Harry gives him, he will love her until he dies.

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