Monday, January 30, 2012

How can I read all 6 Harry Potter books in one month?

For many years, I have been surrounded by countless kids who have read Harry Potter. I only saw the movies at the time. And since I have seen the trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I started reading Harry Potter book 1 about four months ago, and I must say... it was WICKED! After reading book 1 in just one week, I went on to book 2 and I got tired of reading it and put it off for a couple months, and now it's October, only one more month before part 1 of the last Harry Potter movie, and I'm still on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets chapter 5! So my plan is: Read all Harry Potter books, then watch all Harry Potter movies, then go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! So, can you please help me? How can I read all 6 Harry Potter books in one month? My Dad told me to stop watching TV for a while, then I'll read them really fast. But what do you think I should do?How can I read all 6 Harry Potter books in one month?
First , this is an impossible task. Second if you stop watching television it will give you more time to read but you will become burned out etc. My advice to you is to read at a more rapid pace but don't put a month tie limit. Just because the first part of the new movie comes out does not mean that you have to go see it. Take your time reading the books and enjoy them that is the purpose it is not a race.
Its not impossible. Just get through the second book because after that they get so crazy and you will just get right into them and wont be able to stop. Im reading the 7th one now and Ive just been reading it non stop on my spare time and you can easily read a book in less then a week if you read it all the time. good luck!!!How can I read all 6 Harry Potter books in one month?
if you really wanna do that you should put your mind to it...and your heart?;) I love reading and i was able to finish all harry potter books in 2 weeks. I read the goblet of fire overnight. the books were worth my sleepless nights.
I just finished my 4th and 5th novel in around 5-6 days...So, the task is not impossible, the thing you need is whole-hearted interest and i u've got it then there is a majority of chance u can end it too soon.How can I read all 6 Harry Potter books in one month?
Actually rather easily :P. The more absorbed you are in them the faster you'll finish them. Books 1-3 only take a couple of hours each. Book 4 took me few hours over 2 days same with the others :)
Should be pretty easy, I read the last book in one day - though I did nothing else that day.

I should say that if you put aside 1-2 hrs a day for reading them then you should have no problem. Don't rush them though, otherwise you'll miss the best bits. My advice is, don't worry if you haven't read them all before the film is released but if it's something you really want to do then just prioritise it over other things. There's always time for Harry Potter. :D

Also, I take it you aren't reading the 7th one because either you haven't got it or you don't want to spoil the film -though in my opinion, reading the books first heighten my enjoyment of the films.

If you finish all the books and films by the time the next film comes out then I also recommend:

A Very Potter Musical

A Very Potter Sequel

Great, long, but well worth the time. They are fan made parodies of Harry Potter and are hilarious. I'm also reading all the books and watching all the films before I see the first part of deathly hallows, but I also made time for these. I think its just an excuse to go HP mad for a month or so. Attempted it last year for the half blood prince but didn't get very far. :D
Okay, it's not impossible like the first person said.

Just read them?

You can read the first one in 2 days. It's really easy to read. Light and short. I don't know how quickly you read though. For me, if I have 2 hours, I'll finish the first book, but i'm not sure if you have the time.

Just read whenever you can.

I was like you. I read the first book and i was like WOW! But then I couldn't finish the second book. But then I basically forced myself too and voila! LOOL, i love the books soo much.

And yeah, spending your time on electronics definitely wastes time that you could use to read.

Good luck!
You can definetly read them all in one month! I can read one, sometimes two in a day, but I read nonstop, and I'm an insomniac so maybe that's a little impractical.

Still, if you set your mind to it you can do anything you want! If you want to read them all, then just set a LOT of time (well, depending on how fast you read) aside and just read!

Besides, they're AMAZING books so you will most likely get hooked and want to keep reading! And it'll be worth it in the end because you'll know the whole story for when you go see them movie, and you'll be able to tell everyone you read them all in a month.

Good luck! :D

(P.S. HP %26amp; The Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 is gonna be AWESOME!)

EDIT: Oh yeah, and don't listen to all those crazy people saying it's impossible! It's no where near impossible and you can do it if you want to! :)
Read them! Do what your dad said, choose a specific time for reading, read all night long, but you have to read them! They're like the best books ever! But really, if you go to school, then after you come home, do your homework, eat or whatever you do after, and then from like 6-10, just read. It might seem a bit boring at first, but believe me, they'll get interesting soon :) And before you know it, you'll be finished all of them; it so worth it!

Good luck getting them finished!

Hope this helps :)
SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME! abouth exactly a month ago i started reading book one. and it took me one month exactly to read up to book 6. now i started book 7. just read at least 2 hours a day. some times it gets kind of boring but keep reading it gets good. i just started the last book and IT IS GOOD. barely in the first couple chapters and theres been some intense stuff already. i started doing it cause i wanted to read them all b4 deathlly hallows and im gonna make it. i got like 700 pages left.

but yeah. just read AT LEAST 2 hours a day. and u'll be good. read more if u can. it will help you finish faster :)
Okay, first off I think this task is impossible. You can't read around 1,000 pages in a month. But you can spend all your free time reading, or you can join a book club of advanced readers, (I did that once, we finished a 700 page book in three weeks. Or, if that doesen't work, lock yourself in your room, throw away the key, grab all the Harry Potter books, and just read. LOL, don't do that. But seriously, your best bet is to read really fast, skim, or spend all free time reading.

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