Monday, January 30, 2012

Harry Potter Themed Outfit Ideas PLEASE!?

Ok, So I am going to go watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Thursday night, and for the spirit, I'd like to dress up like a female student from Hogwarts, preferably Hermione. I don't have a cloak though. So, can you guys give me outfit ideas including accessories. I want it to look as believable as possible. I'll be willing to go shopping to get more things as well! Thank you in advance!Harry Potter Themed Outfit Ideas PLEASE!?
If you have a black robe that would be super good. Also you can wear badges because hermione was a prefect. Maybe a witches hat would be good too but i not sure i hope this helps!!Harry Potter Themed Outfit Ideas PLEASE!?
Hot Topic sells shirts, and jackets. Go look!

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