Thursday, January 26, 2012

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1?

Okay, so the movie came out, and I just love HP. But, I've been dissapointed in the last three movies, and I really don't want to feel any dissapointment again if I go to see this movie. Is it worth watching? Btw, I get picky about Harry Potter movies, and the only ones I've ever really liked were the 1st and 2nd one. The 3rd was okay... Anything that you loved or hated about the movie?Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1?
I loved it very much, it's definitely worth watching. The cinematography is gorgeous, the performances are top notch (the actors have grown out of their awkward teenage years; Dan, Rupert and Emma have proven themselves to be competent adult actors), there's plenty of dark humor to balance out the drama, and even a few scenes that make you jump.

This is coming from someone who is intensely critical of the Harry Potter movies; I'm not easily satisfied with them (my least favorites happen to be the 3rd, 5th, and 6th films), but this new blew me away. You'll love the ethereal animation scene during the tale of "The Three Brothers"; that scene on its own was better than any Disney Pixar Animated Short, by far. Hermione reads the story so well too, I was very impressed.

The movie wasn't perfect of course, but it certainly was the most faithful to the book out of all the movies made so far. You shouldn't miss it. :)

**About the "nude" scene, Daniel and Emma were just wearing flesh-colored clothing, but yes they did appear to be nude in the scene. You don't see "anything" (if you catch my drift), just bare top-halves. It's during the Horcrux scene, and it's not as bad as people make it out to be...I think people are just overreacting at the new boldness that Harry Potter has taken on.
Like you, I've been thoroughly disappointed with the 4th, 5th, and 6th movies too.

But this movie stayed pretty true to the book. There were some scenes that were out of sequence, but it may not matter, depending on how they do Part 2.

I was still ticked about how none of the moves have identified WHAT the other Horcruxes are.

And yes, Hermione and Harry looked naked in a scene but I think they really had on golden jumpsuits.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1?
Well, i sorta like the newer style of the more recent HP Movies and things definitely are getting serious. I did like it but it had a lot of camping in it (like the book) but they filled it with drama and i thought they did some scenes pretty well...

but it feel more like a lead up into the next one really.
Yes. You most Definitely (in capitals) need to watch this epic. It's.....epic.

The animation scene was so damn good.

As for the "nude" scene, they looked like the Harry Potter games models of Harry and Hermoine. Fake and gay....wait, no, not gay.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1?
It is really slow and long, but it is my favorite one ever. Every scene was really powerful.

And they are naked, but you don't see anything, it's covered in smoke and it's not them in the flesh. Projections.
Umm u just kinda have to have an open mind. I personally loved it And I like the 3rd 4th 5th and 6th wayy more than the 1st and 2nd. Maybe were just opposites. I was definatly NOT dissapoited but maybe thats just me?
I only liked the first film, the rest sent me to sleep. You can't compare a film to a good book, I liked all the books.

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