Thursday, January 26, 2012

Harry Potter fans!!!!!!?

So i've watched all the Harry Potter films ( If you haven't I might spoil something in this question...)

I'm so upset that it's ended! There will never,ever be anything more legendary than Harry Potter! The twis with Snape was awesome.

But it was sad, I was upset because so many awesome characters died... One of the weasley twins, sirius, dumbledore,snape, hedwig,dobby :( Oh and the scene it deathly hallows part 1 where Ron storms off and Harry an Hermione dance to that beautiful song is emotional too! I love harry Potter! So my questions are:

1) Did you read the books or watch the film first? My A: Films :)

2) Fav hogwarts house? My a: Gryffindor!

3) Which house to you think you would get put in and why? My a: Either hufflepuff or Gryffindor because Im fairly brave and talented ...

4) Did you cry at any of the films? If so which one and why? My a: I don't think so, alhough the first time I watched deathly hallows p 1%26amp;2 I sobbed a bit.

5) What 1 did you watch 1st? My a: I know most ppl would probably watched phiosophers stone (1St one) But for me it was prisnor of azkaban ( 3rd one) :)

nd last, whats your fav 1? My a: All ! Lol jk I love them all but if I had to pick it would be deathly hallows Pt1%26amp;2 or prisnor of azkaban :)

Anything else you wanna add then go ahead! :)Harry Potter fans!!!!!!?
1) Movies

2) Slytherin

3) Slytherin (pottermore account)

4) Nope

5)Deathly Hallows pt 2 ( hahaha)

6) Obviously I would go.

7) Probably not but there is a HSWW on google maps. It's weird.
1) I read the books first :)

2) My favourite house is Gryffindor!! :)

3) I would be put into Hufflepuff (that's my house on pottermore :)

4) I didn't cry in any of the films, although there were some heaps sad times :(

5) I watched all of the films in Order :)

6) My favourite would have to be Order of the Phoenix, although I loved all of them :)Harry Potter fans!!!!!!?
1. Books

2. Ravenclaw

3. Ravenclaw

4. I cried in OOTP, HBP, and DH: in OOTP I cried when Harry and Sirius were in that room looking at the family tree on the wall....but I'd read the book and knew that's the last time Sirius and Harry talk before Sirius is killed so that's why I cried.

We all miss it... :(Harry Potter fans!!!!!!?
1) I watched the first two films before I read the books when I was a kid.

2) Hufflepuff!

3) I thought I was a Hufflepuff, but I got sorted into Gryffindor on Pottermore, so I guess I'm a Gryffindor now.

4) Order of the Phoenix was the first HP film I cried in (when Sirius died) and every movie from then on. But now I cry over the littlest Harry Potter things. I'll see a kid reading Philosopher's Stone and I'll cry, because of all memories D:

5) Philosopher's Stone

6) I think Deathly Hallows would be my favourite too. Either that or the first one :)

7) HECK YES. I dunno, maybe in another dimension.

P.S. You know about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, don't you? It's a HP theme park in Florida, and it's about the closest thing you'll get to an actual "wizarding place" :)
I started reading the books when the first film came out. (Obviously there wernt many!) and from the Goblet of Fire I bought each book on the day it came out :) I saw all the films, the only ones I saw at the cinema were COS, GOF, HBP, DH1 and DH2 (4 times.)


1. I think I saw the first film then I read the books. PS is the only film I saw before reading but I was only 9 at the time.

2. I'm a Gryffindor on Pottermore and im chuffed with that. I have a Sruce wand, unicorn hair, 10 and 3/4 inches, Hard.

3. Gryffindor! I wouldn't mind either house except maybe Hufflepuff.

4. I almost cried with happiness when Neville got his 10 points in the first film, cried when Sirius died (OOP) and In DH1 when Dobby died and in DH2, from 'The Princes Tale' scene I pretty much cried non-stop towards the end. I even cried when Bellatrix died. Hah. DH the book made me cry too. Lots.

5. I watched them in order.

Favourite film is definately Deathly Hallows Part 2. The filmmakers handled the plot and storyline really well and the scripting and camerawork really added to the atmosphere. The only things that annoyed me was Bellatrix and Voldy exploding into confetti, and Harry snapping the Elder Wand.

I also love the Prisoner of Azkaban. Sirius and Lupin are in my top 5 of favourite characters.
1) Did you read the books or watch the film first? Read the books! I started reading them when I was five :D

2) Fav hogwarts house? Ravenclaw :3 Cause they're smartasses XP

3) Which house to you think you would get put in and why? }Probably Hufflepuff?

4) Did you cry at any of the films? Four onwards XP I know, I'm a wuss

5) What 1 did you watch 1st? The Philosopher's Stone

6) Prisoner of Azkaban's my favourite! I've read the book 38 times....

7) Of course I'd go!

8) No idea if there would be, but it's a fun thing to imagine!

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