Saturday, February 18, 2012

My boyfriend only spends one night with me?

i'm using my brother account so don't mind the avatar hehe.

i'm 23 and my boyfriend is 24,we both work full time,and both live with parents,but he's working 8-5 during the week, 12-9 some fridays and usually has the weekend off.on my case i never get a weekend off,once in a while i might have a saturday off,but my work hours are very mixed,and either i get home 6.30 pm or 8pm.we don't see each other much during the week,maybe if i have a day off during the week he will come the night before (like 9pm)and stay over,but then he needs to wake up early next day.if i'm lucky enough to have a very early shift on a saturday he still wont see me ,because he's either busy with friends,in the pub watching football or says we will see me later in the evening (again around 9pm).the only evening that we usually spend together is sunday,and if we are not having dinner together at each others house again we will be meeting up very late,not leaving time do to anything other that watch tv.

i'm starting to get fed up because i thing he doesn't really make a effort to see me at all,only whats convenient for him or his friends.for example this week i have thursday and friday off. he came to my house Wednesday evening for dinner (that's the only way i get him to come) and stayed over.he swapped his shift with a friend so he would start work today at 12pm and tomorrow start work at 8-5 now he did this not the spend more time with me but to be able to go out with his friends friday night.he didn't even invited me or made any reference to spend friday with me knowing that i'm off and will be alone all day.he's going out friday night ,and told me he's going out saturday night too,maybe seeing me on sunday evening. now i know that all that drinking and occasional smoking (he knows i HATE it,promises not to do it but does it anyway) will harm him and he will be feeling sorry for himself all sunday,moan and then promise he won't do it again just to do it in two weeks time i'm majorly pissed off now and don't even what to see him sunday at all,i can't even really see my friends because they all at i overreacting or do i have a point here?i can't really move out of my home now because of financial problems with my parents (im helping them) but even if i could he says he's not ready. i love him very much and i know he loves me too,he been together for two years and it's been wonderful but the amount of time we spend together is driving me insane.

sorry if this is long and it sounds just like a rant but i'm really upset and think he's being selfish.

any advice?i'm not going to see him on sunday because i think he's being selfish,i was also planning in not seeing him for a while until he finally gets the hint,but i'll have to see him on the 1st of march because it's his mum's birthday.

thank you for reading this far,any advice is welcome|||Hi stilm, even if I've got all my facts right on reading your question I still can't believe this guy. And when I saw you love him, and he loves you I had to read it three times just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. If this guy loved you he would spend practically all the time he has with you, and go out drinking with the guys now and again. But he seems to be doing it the other way round and that is patently ridiculous. After all he's not exactly a teenager that he has to go out boozing. And now you're going to punish him and not see him on Sunday I believe. It won't be much of a punishment because you barely see him at all anyway. Hang on I've just seen the planning not seeing him for a while. Well that should please him and the boys no end, all that extra drinking time. Anyway I don't want to tread all over his and your love life, but if I were you I would grab him by the collar and tell him a couple of home truths. The times you see him are reminiscent of train timetable. I'm sure he will be glad at your idea of not seeing him until he finally gets the hint. For all gives him extra time for drinking and when he's doing that he probably doesn't remember you at all. So it might take a good while before he gets the hint. Look you need to have a serious talk with him, because I don't know the last time he said I love you, I don't even know the last time you saw him let alone tell him you loved him. And it will be a fair time before you can say I love you to him, if you're not going to see him until he gets the hint. Anyway it's your life, and I guess you know what you're doing. Personally I would advise you to have a serious talk with him, about all this drinking and not seeing you very much. And you know all of this, and I don't know how long it's been going on. Of course you're upset, and of course he's being selfish. But your idea of a remedy is just losing you more time with him. No as soon as you next see him you sit him down and tell him exactly how you feel and exactly how you expect him to behave. He's being very disrespectful to you, and you need to change that fast. And once you've told him everything you want to about the situation, then you monitor exactly how much of it has stayed in his head. For if he still keeps going with the guys, and not seeing you more, I should start questioning your idea of love. I wish you well.

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