Saturday, February 18, 2012

Wierd DREAMS all in ONE NIGHT?!!!?

I was with chris brown he was singing, and rising to the air as i can remember, like in one of his videos. Then a girl appears offering this diamond ring, I was thinking in my head this is a test. I could hear a voice saying "take it, take it", and another voice going "no, you don't need it" Then I woke up what does it mean. ( I love chris brwon by the way)

2nd dream: Me and my brother were hanging out in the grass outside, then i said look there's a cat, my brother looked he didn't see it. the cat was going up and down these hills in the ground as it came up then my brother saw it, and we all tried to get rid of it, we tried to chase it off away.

(my brother hates cats by the way)

After these dreams i heard another voice telling me something like "some people use evil for their talents and some use God."

it made me think a little, and sort of answered what i've wondered for a whileWierd DREAMS all in ONE NIGHT?!!!?The part about Chris Brown is definitely about making choices. Some rise to fame, but have to sacrifice love and commitment to get it. Was the girl offering the ring to Chris, or to you?

"Some people use evil for their talents and some use God."


"Some people use their talents for God, and some use their talents for evil."

There is truth in both statements. Some people get their "talents" from an evil source, meaning perhaps that they get psychic gifting from satan, or they use their sensual beauty to gain fame, or they gain support from evil people by making illegal or immoral deals to get the money and power they need. So, these people get their power from evil. They USE people, too.

Some get our talents or power from God. We don't "use" but we allow Him to use us. We depend on Him. We get our wisdom and insight from God. We won't take power that is gained by doing wrong.

Then... to use our talents for evil.... I could use my talents to get rich, no matter who it hurt. I could use my influence or money to get laws passed to further my interest even if it hurt people. I could communicate brilliantly, but I might be lying to convince people to do things that are wrong. In music and theater, I could use my talents to influence people toward lust and selfishness.

Or, I could use my talents to tell the truth, to encourage, to uncover dark secrets (like abuse or crime, so that people will want to do something to change it), to tell people about God. If I get rich, I could use my money to help others instead of living selfishly. So many ways to use what we have to make the world better and serve God.

The ring in the first dream might represent "love and commitment" or it could mean "selling your soul.... being willing to do "whatever it takes" to reach your goal, no matter who you hurt or how you have to sin to do it. BUT I THINK it represents "glory and fame." You don't need it.

I'm not sure about the cat!

But, for the most part, this is about choices and talents. Determine to choose the pure path. Don't "sell out" by prostituting yourself in ANY way to gain fame or success. Follow God and if He wants to use you in that way, He will, when the time is right. However, many of Gods' most effective servants never see their name in lights. It is for HIS glory, not for ours. I believe that is what the ring represents... glory. Flash and glory. You don't need it. That belongs to God. It destroys people. Only the most humble can be trusted with it, and they don't want it!

God bless you!


P.S. For awhile, (when I was first REALLY realizing I had some prophetic calling, around age 30), I had lots of ring dreams. In one dream a bunch of young people (black, white, hispanic, wearing hoodies, etc.) had rings and they would be put on display at some point for all to see. But I said, "Can I keep them until that time comes?" Then they all put their rings in my cupped hands. Some were small, One was huge and gaudy with maybe 12 diamonds in it. And we were going to get on an elevator (I guess we needed to "go higher" and learn more before our rings (gifts?) were put on display. Or maybe some "glory" would come with them, and we were not equipped to handle "glory" yet. I think it may have meant I would also teach and mentor people in their gifts (spiritual and otherwise). That has proven to be so.

Soon after, I dreamed I was sleeping in a bed in the front yard of a house. I was wearing a long sleeved blue/grey sleepshirt with Teddy Bears on it! There was what I call a 'gandmama house' behind me (big, white, long front porch). There was an old black lady sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch. (I am white). I still had that big, gaudy ring from the other dream. I woke up and could not find it. I was SO upset, because I knew it was important. I kept looking for it among the folds of my sheets, and finally found it. I was SO relieved.

The grandma lady leaned forward in her rocker and said, "This is not for you. It is for THEIR benefit." I said, "I know that," and put the ring in my chest pocket, over my heart.

I think the "grandma" represented the Holy Spirit. I don't know if you have watched THE STAND, a Stephan King movie, but there is an old black lady who is a STRONG prophet in that dream. And somehow, she is calling people to her from all over the U.S. They just hear her voice in their heads and see her face and just start "following their instinct" to find her. The end up finding each other along the way and they are on the way to her house. She is calling them to her for the final showdown in the fight of God against satan. The movie is not "pure"... the "Christians" do not live as Christians should, but the message was very interesting. I think a lot of times writers "overhear" the truth and write it, even if they are not of God. But they mix in a LOT of their own confusion with it, so you have to be careful with that. But, anyway, I think I saw that movie AFTER my dream, and it was like a confirmation to me. I wanted to see it because it sounded like my dream, I think. So, that lady in my dream was probably the "Spirit of Prophecy" or "gift of prophecy". Her being older may have represented "ancient wisdom of God." I believe God IS training many prophets, but most of them are not yet revealed. They may never be PUBLICLY revealed. If they find fame, they will be persecuted, not applauded because most people do not want the truth. Those who are flashy and famous are suspect.

I know that was more than you asked for. I did share it because of the "ring" theme, but I knew you, my dear, would want to hear the rest of the story. So... you got the rest from me...

your friend...

FairelightWierd DREAMS all in ONE NIGHT?!!!?Kind of reminds me of "Lord of the Rings," and how people were willing to go to any lengths to get it.

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Wierd DREAMS all in ONE NIGHT?!!!?that is so freaky!!! it has to mean something!!

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