Sunday, February 5, 2012

Anyone else disappointed in how much they left out of Harry Potter? SPOILERS!!?

If you've not seen/read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 1, then DON'T READ ON!! go and see it!

I've been a huge Harry Potter since the start and I've read all the books at least eight times over meaning I know the story off by heart :) I went to see the latest film yesterday, first day :D and I loved it!! It was really good :D but as usual they'd left out bits. The film was 2 + 戮 hrs so I understand why they kept stuff out but they kept out some huge important details that wouldn't have made the film much longer. Anyway all I want to know is did I just not realise stuff? This is probably a stupid question but it's going to bug me if they didn't put it in at all, I'd rather think I'd not noticed it!

-Harry and his "family" didn't have the whole parting thing. In the book Dudley turns out to like Harry and is upset they have to leave him.

-They didn't introduce Mundungs Fletcher properly, he just popped up out of nowhere

-Harry didn't explode when he does in the book

-In the Seven Potters scene, the cart on the motorbike that Harry's in breaks off and there's a whole mess-up where Hagrid falls and they crash land at Tonk's parent's house

-George's ear is meant to be completely blown off my Snape's curse but it just looks like a bits been cut off

-They skipped Harry's birthday and said they'd forgotten it but they celebrate it in the book (Okay I understand would've made it longer)

-Ginny kisses Harry as a birthday present, not randomly, and Ron gets angry and shouts at him (you find out that Harry broke up with Ginny and really upset her) -but I didn't mind how they did it because they added humour with George walking in with the toothbrush in his "ear" :)

-When the Minister brings Dumbledore鈥檚 Will and gives the stuff to them he's really questioning and Hermione realises that the Ministry has been testing the objects to see if they're hiding something.

-In the wedding, Harry uses Polyjuice potion and pretends to be a Weasley cousin because it's too dangerous to stay as him.

-Victor Krum is meant to be in Bill and Fleur's wedding, he's the one who points out the sign of the Deathly Hallows that Xenophilius Lovegood is wearing to Harry (but calls it the sign of evil, worn by Gelert Grindewald, because he doesn't know the story behind it)

-When Harry's talking to Elphias Dodge and Great Aunt Muriel, he's meant to get really annoyed because she's going on about Dumbeldore and his sister Ariana (who isn't mentioned once) and Elphias is meant to be really defending about him

-When that ball of light comes into the wedding with the message it's meant to be a full Patronus not just a ball of light.

-Harry Ron and Hermione do the memory charm on the Waitress too in the cafe

-They travel loads before going to Grimmauld Place and even when they get there, there are more charms to stop them and they're watched by Death Eaters constantly.

-Sirius's room is meant to be covered in Gryffindor posters and scarves to make him stand out of the family and Harry finds a letter from his mum with a picture of him as a baby, ripped in half (Snape's been there)

-Lupin turns up at the house and asks to come with them because Tonks is pregnant and he's scared the baby will be a werewolf but Harry gets angry and shouts at him not to run away

-Kreacher turns out really nice :)

-When they break into the Ministry, they don't just leave the people on the side, they leave the woman but send the men home, one with a bad nose-bleed and the other ill. (thanks to Fred and George's pranking products)

-Harry takes Mad-Eye's eye from Umbridge's office door and he wears the invisibility cloak to go in. And they save a load of Half-Bloods when escaping

-When they're camping by the river in Wales (woohoo for Wales!! :D) they hear people outside the tent and listen in (can't remember who but I think Dean or Shamus plus two goblins and another wizard)

-When they're listening to Potterwatch on the radio (they didn't say that's what it was) they get annoyed when they hear that Snape is the new head but they just let the it pass

-After Ron leaves Harry and Hermione don't dance BUT I love that they did because it was a nice touch to make the story a little lighter :)

-When they go to Godrics Hollow, they use Poly-Juice Potion and when they get to Harry's old house, he puts his hand on the gate and a thing comes up saying R.I.P and stuff and people have signed it saying that they're with Harry which is a nice touch and I was really gutted they didn't put it in.

-Bathilda Bagshot's head comes off and Nagini comes out of her neck, not her mouth and Voldy turns up

-Harry has to cast a Protego charm between Ron and Hermione when he comes back because she's so angry with him and attacks him|||Wow! You are very observant! It's true, there were a lot of differences, but when making a movie, things have to be condensed big time. I'm sure people like you and I would enjoy watching a 4 hour long HP movie so we could see every little detail come to life, but many people watching these movies haven't even read the books, so the film makers must think of them as well.

I quite missed the Dursley scene, but with the way Harry is standing on the sidewalk watching them go, it kind of seems obvious that something just happened. I think that's the same with many other scenes. They don't necessarily show something happening, but it's implied. (I definitely missed the evolution of Kreacher, though. I loved that part in the book but it just would have dragged the movie out.) I'm not too caught up on small differences, as long as all the major plot lines were covered, which they were. Some things they didn't explain with too much detail, like Grindewald and Dumbledore's family, but I think since it was mentioned they will elaborate in Part 2.

Overall, I thought it was great. After an atrocious GoF and a not so great HBP, they got this movie back on track and really did the book justice, all while setting up Part 2 quite nicely. It just might be my favorite yet. (Although, in the ministry, when Harry walked away from Umbridge's door, I was like "How hard would it have been to take the eye? Seriously, that would have been so easy to write in the script!!!")|||Yeah i felt the same about all the bits they left out!!...especially since they filmed some of them and just never included them....Victor Krum was originally in the wedding scene and they cut him from it...i saw him in one of the behind the scenes shows...he was dancing with hermione in it .

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|||Too much...if they added all that to the film, there would have to be 3 parts (which I wouldn't mind at all since I love the movies). And who knows, maybe they will add those parts somehow in Part 2?

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