Sunday, February 12, 2012

Did my ex use me as a one night stand?

ugh... how to put this. I guess start from the beginning! It's a long story but please read up, i'm at a loss again, yo!

Well I met this girl who we will call alex for security reasons :D And from the very moment I met her, there was just something about her... can't put my finger on it.

In that first night that we met we ALMOST kissed but I got smart and am like this is going way too fast. I'm out. So I told her it was time to call it a night.

People may disagree, but getting attached too fast can be dangerous.

So a few days had passed.

But then I learned she had like this problem... she says she apparantly fell asleep for a good 2 days, and like felt different. She tells me she has amnesia and forgot something important, but her whole family knows. (I know, wtf is up with this story?) and she tells me if she ever remembers, her other self could come back and she may not like me anymore.

... ok then. To be honest I was a bit upset.

So, I went to the only person (at the time) I could trust. Because I did get kind of attached, yo! D:

It just so happens that person who I went to, was actually evil, and took advantage of me when I was weak.

We began to date...

Alex found out and she was furious. She thought I used her as a one night stand to get with the japanese girl (the one I trusted) when I was the one who pulled away and called it a night D:...

Time passed and she made me pick, I picked the japanese girl. She left town and was never to be seen from again...

Then the jap girl betrayed me D: Karma, yo!?!?

But now... just two days ago, Alex returned!

Randomly texted me. Freaky right? At the time I forgot that *I* was the one at fault for her leaving, so I was kind of mad that she left. In my heart I guess I did miss her. She said she was sorry but gave some lame excuse, like shes busy with her ps3. Wtf, for 5 months?!? (YES FOLKS, THIS TIME THE DUDE-GUY IS N.O.T the ps3 addict! XD)

But she was still brilliant. Her personality the same as before, we had the greatest conversation EVER, and we met up at my house.

I asked if she was going to run off again, she went "I hope not"

I reply "that's not very reassuring."

She replied to that "It won't be in the same way." So basically, she's going to leave AGAIN?

I was hurt from the jap girl and thought she'd be happy that I was suffering. But she made me open up to her, and said she loved me in a way that I would say it... so it sounded real.

And basically, we had a one night stand.

When we were done, she bolted for the door. I mean, she BOLTED! "I'm late for school!" I couldn't even say wait.

I couldn't even catch up, I mean she had to be running as quick as hermes!! God damn!

... And I haven't seen her since. Ignoring my calls, my texts... not at home, nothin. She's GONE. And she loves me? Yep, she better have been kidinapped.

I've waited two days now. Nothing. My heart has began to hurt because the bitter truth is probably: This was a Revenge one night stand.

I will wait another day (friday) otherwise, I'm buyin a ps3 myself, playing god of war 3, waiting til sunday then leaving town because this city is horrible. Then go to a bar.

If she comes back I'm layin down tha facts. If I'm an afterthought to her, then she has no place in my life and I'll move on.

Just because we messed stuff up back in the past doesn't mean the future has to be effed up. But would it be so hard from her busy, busy busy life of ps3ness to drop me a call to let me know she's alright and everything is cool?

She's smart, brilliant, good looking, kind, playful, we get along, think alike...

but if she only runs off, then **** her.

And If she did infact use me then just like in god of war, it's time for Revenge.

So here I wait, clueless if anything will happen.

could really use any opinions that anyone has to offer, I'm at a loss.

I feel as if she was the one...Did my ex use me as a one night stand?Before i begin giving you advice, i must say you got a great sense of humour lol!

I mean i know this is a serious issue but you still got the jokes up there ^^ lol

okay well honestly this girl seems very different from normal people. well what i mean to say is shes very unpredictable and just afew months ago this guy and me started to have a thing for each other. we talked, chilled all the time but then he kind of just left me, even though we werent actually dealing but like we went to the same school but i had co-op so i wasnt at school. we stopped talking, calling, texting. well the thing was my phone got taken away so i couldnt talk to him much. anyway, basically he just randomly stopped talking as if we didn't even know eachother, forgetting everything that happened and it was like so confusing and all i can say is i was CONFUSED to the max :S like wtf i didnt get what he wanted and what the **** was going on. anyway im over it now but at the time he said hes just busy and stressed about school and blah blah.. yeh thats not really a good reason in my opinion. well what i found out was couple months later he was with some other girl. wow .. shock eh lol. well i didnt think he wasnt worth it anyway but relating back to your situation.. i know exactly how you feel.

So anyway, honestly speaking i think shes not really interested. If someone loves someone else we are willing to do anything to spend time with them. We don't really ignore calls or texts.. well atleast not for long. But i maybe wrong because maybe she was hurt from what you did to her. possibly she needed time to get over you and then decided to do something to hurt your feelings. however i still believe "love" isn't what she felt for you cause love is a big word and you didn't even know her for a long time. I'm sure you'll find the "one" for you. You seem to have a great personality :)

I hope this helps. I would write A LOT more but im very sleepy and cant even think straight lol. I wanted to write back for your good answer to my question :)

Goodluck %26amp; don't worry. What happens, happens for a reason. The past is gone, and the present is now. Live for todaaay dude %26amp; dw about the future :)Did my ex use me as a one night stand?Hmm jeez well i reed the whole thing... it doesn't really sound like revenge i think she might be confused and also from the sounds of it "Ps3" is a cover up to wanting space :\ But yeah i would just say she was confused .. they only reason i can think of her bolting would be cause she confused or she wished she didn't have the one night stand and wanted to get out of there as fast as possible!

Don't attack her when you next time talk to her .. Like don't yell at her saying this is how it is blahblah .. ACTUALLY talk to her ask her why she bolted if you think she is lying then don't bother with her, liars are a waste of time.Did my ex use me as a one night stand?Before I say anything, yes, I did read the whole thing xp. And to be truthful, I'm not too sure what to think.... But I don't think she was getting revenge. I wouldn't sink THAT low for revenge if it was me.. But that's just me haha... I hope she comes back, and you figure things out though. Hope this helps :)Did my ex use me as a one night stand?
very long ...BUT I DID READ IT ... mostly cuz i am bored but also because i was amazed at how often u said and i quote "yo" it amused me ... i am not really sure what to say cuz every time i thought i understood what your point was you added something else in that really confused me even more ...i would say move on u are obviously a sensitive person and she doesn't deserve u and you dont deserve to be jerked around like that... cuz to me it doesn't sound like revenge or "the oneness" i think she was just playing with you ... sorry!

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