Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Harry Potter franchise. How will it hold up in the future?

I am not a huge potter nerd. But I love these movies. Its the Star Wars of my generation and I grew up with all 7 movies and books. Honestly I split them down like this. The first three films I consider them one trilogy because it focuses on them learning at hogwarts and we get to see certain areas at school or around school. Like Hogsmeade. I consider films 4-7 to be a quadrilogy because it seems once voldemort comes into the fray its not even about learning at school and learning more about how to become strong for the final battle against all the death eaters. So does anyone agree with my breakup and also whats your top 7?


1.)Deathly Hallows 1%26amp;2

2.) Goblet of Fire

3.) Chamber of Secrets

4.) Sorcerers Stone(Philosophers Stone)

5.) Order of the Phoenix

6.) Prisoner of Azkaban

7.) Half Blood Prince

*I want to make one thing clear, the reason why Prisoner of Akaban is low on the list. Is because when I was 11 years old. I wasn't crazy about this film. Even at the age of 11 I never thought sirius was a good character. I thought JKR just pt him in to later be killed off in book 5. But this movie recently has grown on me. Out of all the Potter movies I think it has the most satisfying ending. Harry zooming on his new fire bolt and freeze frame with him screaming in excitement while hedwigs theme plays.... It brought me back to an innocent time before all this college and finding a job non sense. Next to that 4 had the best ending, its just like the empire strikes back and yes its better than deathly hallows part 2 ending. I loved that movie to death. But goblet of fire ended on a down note and thats how life is really. I will make a clerks reference for anyone who has seen that movie. If not please look up jedi politics on youtube. Or hell I will post it.

HP fan: what did you like better goblet of fire or deathly hallows

HP fan #2: Goblet!

HP fan: Blasphemy!

HP fan #2:" Four had the better ending. I mean Harry gets his a s s kicked, voldemort is revived, cedric diggory dies and now the mudbloods are in severe danger. It ended on such a down note. Thats what life is a series of bad endings. All Hallows had was 2 hour camping and over the top effects." Harry Potter franchise. How will it hold up in the future?
Like Bethany's answer, I'd also split the series to 1-4, then 5-7, for similar reasons. Goblet of Fire wasn't as dark as the final 3, it's suspenseful and thrilling, but for the most part of the film it was stilll just a 'game', Voldemort wasn't 'real' yet, he wasn't the major concern of the film, it's not until the end that we find out it was a Death Eater's plan all along, and it's how he returns, but for sure, the mood takes a much darker, more ominous turn from the fifth installment onwards.

My top 7 in films and books are completely different, I'll just give both.

Films - I'll count Deathly Hallows part 1 and 2 as two movies though, because my opinion for each is completely different.
1.) Goblet of Fire
2.) Deathly Hallows part 2
3.) Prisoner of Azkaban
4.) Chamber of Secrets
5.) Philosopher's Stone
6.) Order of Phoenix
7.) Deathly Hallows part 1
8.) Half-Blood Prince

In hindsight, Deathly Hallows part 1 was not horrible, I just tend to rank them based on how true to the book they were, as well as how enjoyable they are on their own, DH p1 followed the book quite closely for the most part, but it was rather dull. The book was slow to start though. And in terms of relation to the book and how watchable it was, I'd have to say Half-Blood Prince was neither, hence the low rank. The middle of my list (numbers 4, 5 and 6) are more of a tie; I enjoyed them all equally, really, but Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows part 2 are top of the list for sure, for me.

1.) Half-Blood Prince
2.) Goblet of Fire
3.) Deathly Hallows
4.) Prisoner of Azkaban
5.) Chamber of Secrets
6.) Philosopher's Stone
7.) Order of Phoenix

Again, it's not that I particularly dislike any books near the end of the list, but I simply prefer the ones ranked higher, therefore pushing the rest to the bottom. The first three are quite close, almost a tie, and really, the rest just follow in almost no particular order, but you can see why I had to separate the lists; Half-Blood Prince was an excellent book, I thought, I was shocked at how they butchered the story in film. They literally cut the most important, most crucial part of the story from the film, which is why it is quite hard to follow if you only watch the film. They also added the nonsense burning Burrow scene. I don't know, it was just really weird. I also really liked Philosopher's Stone, it was a great start to the series; lighthearted and fun to read, it's just that deeper and more exciting plots, as well as more detailed stories in the later installments just pushed it down the list.The Harry Potter franchise. How will it hold up in the future?
Personally, I think of the series as just a 7-part series, and if I would break them up, I would probably do 1-4 because they're all more lighthearted and readable for younger kids (until the end of the 4th), and then 5-7 because they're darker. I do understand your break-up though, since the 4th can go either way.

1. Goblet of Fire

2. Sorcerer's Stone

3. Half Blood Prince

4. Chamber of Secrets

5. Prisoner of Azkaban

6. Deathly Hallows

7. Order of the Phoenix

This is based off of the books though, not the movies. Order of the Phoenix is last because I hated it when I read it when I was nine, since it was the first "dark" book. I've liked it more since rereading it. Deathly Hallows is 6th because they spent so much time doing nothing. Prisoner of Azkaban is 5th because time travel is such a sensative thing to do, and there always seems to be holes in it. But I loved Sirius and Lupin. The rest, I don't have a good reason for putting there. They're all "just because" reasons.The Harry Potter franchise. How will it hold up in the future?
i see number 3 as the transition, just cause it had a much different feel to it. the first 2 were all about innocence, that starts to go away in 3.

1. Deathly hallows 2, because it is the ending of it all. it is all out action, very well made and has the ability to change the emotion of the scene in a split second.

2. Order of the Phoenix, because sirius black is my favorite supporting character and you see the most of him in order.

3. Deathly Hallows 1, well made.

4.Half Blood Prince, the mystery and suspense really appealed to me.

5. Sorcerer's Stone, the beginning of it all.

6. Chamber of Secrets, i dunno, i like it, just not as much as the rest of them.

7. Goblet of Fire, good, just didn't follow the book in some crucial moments.

8 Prisoner of Azkaban, loved the book, but the movie was just disappointing to me. the feel and look is different from all the others. just didn't sit well with me.

Goblet just isn't at the same level as Hallows. the characters evolve. and it ends realistically. Darkest before the dawn, good prevails, evil dies, and huge sacrifices are made before the battle is won. wherever you look, good always comes through. it comes at a terrible price, but the world is better for it. life isn't a series of down notes. it knocks you down, sure, but the defining moment is whether we choose to get back up and climb a little higher. hallows is about finding yourself, sacrificing for others and the importance of a kind heart. All Goblet was doing was setting the scene for the final act.
I'd have to say that the Harry Potter franchise will still hold up quite well in the future. However, it now no longer has the press attention, as the film series has finally reached a conclusion. It'll be relegated to a large but silent fanbase, just as "Star Wars" and "Lord of the Rings" ended up following the conclusions of those films. Yes, I do believe you're right in saying that "Harry Potter" was the "Star Wars" of our generation.

Now, I'd actually break the books and films up into two groups: 1-4 (these are setting up for Voldemort's return, and Harry mostly has conflicts with accomplices of Voldemort), and 5-7 (these are centered completely on Harry's conflict with Voldemort).

As for the films, here is how I'd rank them (1 being the most enjoyable to 8 being the least enjoyable):

1.) Deathly Hallows Part 1
2.) Deathly Hallows Part 2
3.) Order of the Phoenix
4.) Goblet of Fire
5.) Prisoner of Azkaban
6.) Chamber of Secrets
7.) Sorcerer's Stone
8.) Half-Blood Prince

Note: I liked all the films, but "Half-Blood Prince" was merely a transitionary film, and had little action or suspense in it until the end. It also was, at best, an intermediate adaptation of the book.

EDIT: I also do agree with the user under me in that another way to group the movies was 1-2, then 3-8. The first two Harry Potter movies were sugary and lighthearted, with some mildly dark elements. Number 3 started to introduce a sinister tone, and then from 3, each of the movies became darker and more violent until the finale.

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