Sunday, February 5, 2012

Harry Potter movies, ranked on a list of 1-7, favorite to least favorite and why! (though they're all good).?

I just watched the 6th and 3rd ones again, and remembered how good these movies are, and i wanted to see what other people think about the movies, so here is my list:


1) 2nd movie Chamber of Secrets; because it was scary with Harry hearing and speaking parseltongue, i loved Tom Riddle's character, and the scene where Lockhart erases his own memory from his charm backfiring was hilarious and fitting, or equally funny when Ron's spell backfires and he barfs up slugs. Of course the great plot twist where Tom Marvolo Riddle rearranges the letters in his name to come up with "I am Lord Voldemort". Great climax where they enter the chamber. Those scenes where Harry would find someone frozen after hearing "kill...kill" scared the crap out me when i first saw it and didn't know what was going on.

2) 3rd movie Prisoner of Askaban; because of the time traveling and the twist that Sirius really didn't give up his parents, and Ron's rat is Peter Petigrew. Also Lupin is another great character, and the movie had an awesome climax, though one could almost say it had two climaxes as the scene with where they are in the Shrieking shack and Lupin turns into a warewolf at the worst moment, and also when Harry and Hermione go back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak. Great movie and loved how the plot came together.

3) 4th movie Goblet of fire; Harry enters the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric Digory, a great character is in the movie. Has a great plot twist like the two before it, as with Mad Eye Moody really being Barty Crouch Jr., and of course Voldemort comes back to life

4) 6th movie Half Blood Prince; Dumbledore and Harry's horecrux adventures were quite interesting, professor Slughorn was a funny character, lots of stuff goes down in this one, with Malfoy attempting to kill Dumbledore and love connections going on

5) 7th movie Deathly Hallows part one; liked the setting, with Harry, Ron and Hermione going all over the place, had less action than most of the Potter films, much more calm feel, but also sad with Dumbledore being gone and people dying.

6) 1st movie Sorcerer's Stone; i havn't seen this one for ages, but i remember it being pretty funny, shows the most about Harry's sad old life with the Dursleys, who could forget the huge chess game that Ron controls, good movie, another one that had less action than most the movies

7) 5th movie Order of the Phoenix; had little action, as they were chilling in that one secret room thingy, don't remember a lot about this one... Sirius died :(.

as a last note, i only read the first three books and some of the fourth book and i didn't remember 90% of what happened, including the main plot to all of them, so people who read the books might have different opinions than because of the lack of content covered in the movies, though i did remember some about the third book, and i was pretty frustrated that they never even explained who Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs were haha.Harry Potter movies, ranked on a list of 1-7, favorite to least favorite and why! (though they're all good).?
I didn't see the 7th movie, but I saw all the others

1) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets-

I felt the most involved in this installment. The story was captivating, I loved all the characters, and overall, it was a well-made movie.

2) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (spelling?)-

Again, a very intriguing movie. I thought this movie worked not just because of the script, but the direction. Also, this was a well-shot movie. The cinematography was to die for.

3) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire-

This was a very good movie. The action was adrenaline-pumping, the characters were awesome, and it was really fascinating.

4) Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone (spelling?)-

I love this movie for the fact that it started it all and it's just so classic.

5) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince-

My friends HATE this movie, yet I loved it. I like that's very slow-burn and how dark this movie is.

6) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix-

I have tried to like this movie, but I just get so bored. It has the best climax out of all the movies, but this one, it just doesn't deliver for me. I still kind of liked it.
Deathly Hallows pt.1

Prisinor of azkaban

The order of phenoix

The philosophers stone

Half blood prince

The goblet of fire

The chamber of secretsHarry Potter movies, ranked on a list of 1-7, favorite to least favorite and why! (though they're all good).?
1. Prisoner of Azkaban

2. Deathly Hallows

3. Order of the Pheonix

4. Half-Blood Prince

5. Sorcerers Stone

6. Goblet of Fire

7. Chamber of Secrets
You would really enjoy re-reading and then reading all the other books, I guarantee it.

I still like PoA with DH I as a close second. OotP, HBP, CoS, PS and then GoF, mainly because that particular book was so much better than the film.Harry Potter movies, ranked on a list of 1-7, favorite to least favorite and why! (though they're all good).?
7. The Goblet of Fire. Way, way too much was left out of this one. The director wanted to make this one in 2 parts, but Warner Brothers studio refused.

6. The Half-Blood Prince. Again, way too much left out from the book.

5.The Order Of The Phoenix, and again--expecially inthe latter half, very poor rendition of the book.

4. The Sorcerer's Stone--nice adaptation

3. The Chamber of Secrets--great movie!

2 The Prisoner of Askaban--sticks very close to the book

1. Deathly Hallows--Thank God. The studio realized that this one absolutely had to be in 2 parts. This one sticks closer to the book than any other.
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