Sunday, February 5, 2012

Snape's flashback scene in DH 2?

So you know the part where it’s Snape’s flashbacks and he is talking to Dumbledore in his office. So it’s quite an important scene, so I’ve heard, where Dumbledore says “After all this time?” At this Severus casts the protronus charm creating a doe which flies out the window. Then Severus says “Always.” That’s all fine and well but then I watched the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 and realised if the doe went straight to help Harry find the sword of Gryffindor (which the scene cuts to in the flashback in DH2) then Dumbledore would be dead at this time as he was killed by Snape himself in the Half-Blood Prince.

So where did the doe go? Dumbledore is dead when Harry is in the forest. Did Snape just keep the doe there to wait on Harry to arrive? I've not read the books if that helps...Snape's flashback scene in DH 2?
He was just showing Dumbledore the doe to show him that he still loved Harry, and why he wanted to help Harry. I would recommend reading the books, if helps with a lot of underlying things. The doe didn't go to Harry at that time, but that scene is important to show that he really cared for Lilly, and that it was him who later sent the doe to lead Harry to the sword of Gryffindor.
The scene in the film is about how severus loved lilly with everything he had really and because in harry he sees her in his eyes this is why he too cares to harry and has secretly protected him for the last seven years and not just because of his life debt. Also, the headmaster as another said told sev through the portrait to lure harry to where the sword was knowing that harry would trust the doe as it relates to his dad, the stag. I loved this scene, i was there like a blubbering fool throughout it!

Hope this helpsSnape's flashback scene in DH 2?
Those are two different periods of time. He casts the doe in Dumbledore's office while he's still alive. After he dies, Dumbledore's portrait asks Snape to place the sword of Gryffindor somewhere Harry can find it, but not spot Snape. He uses the doe to lure Harry to where he placed the sword.
No he cast the patronus to lead Harry to the sword at a later time. In the flashback he was just showing Dumbledore his patronus.Snape's flashback scene in DH 2?
then read the bloody books it doesn't take a bloody genius
*** you i havent seen the movie

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